
Optimising the Lifecycle of Renewable Energy Systems

The renewable energy ecosystem requires much more than funding and installation to deliver returns over the life of 25 year assets.
Monitoring, Operations & Maintenance
Certificate Creation & Trading
Grid Services Revenues

Agile Energy

Our Services

Our services division focuses on maximising the value of operational solar and battery systems by providing the following key services:

Dashboard mockup

Monitoring, Operations & Maintenance

  • Real-time monitoring systems identify performance anomalies and system faults to identify, diagnose and action maintenance and remediation works before any impact to asset health
  • In-house operations team manage ticketing, scheduling and reporting

Certificate Creation & Trading

  • Participation in government incentive schemes to access additional revenue streams
  • Ensure that your project meets the highest regulatory standards while maintaining a streamlined process that gets you paid faster than any other trading desk
  • Our team trades the following major Australian certificates: STCs, LGCs, ACCUs, VEECs, ESCs

Grid Services Revenues

  • Access additional revenue streams by enrolling your energy assets in Virtual Power Plant and Peer-to-Peer trading schemes
  • Participation in demand response, ancillary services and peak shaving increase revenue and provide stability to the grid

Ready to Power Your Business with Sustainable Energy?

Let's take the first step towards a brighter and greener future.