

Environmental Certificate Accreditation & Trading

EarthXChange specialises in the creation and trading of environmental certificates such as Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), Large Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) and Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs).

Confidence and Excellence

With over two decades of experience in the certificates and offsets industry, we have the knowledge and expertise that you can depend on. We pride ourselves on our high level of market knowledge and expertise, and in being able to cater to the needs of all industry participants, from large commercial transactions to smaller consumer transactions.

Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service and advice, and have a continuous focus on making the claiming and trading of certificates as straightforward as possible for you. Whether you are a homeowner or institutional investor, earthXchange is the certificate agent you can trust to provide an easy, no-fuss service when it comes to claiming your financial incentives from the Government while adhering to all compliance and regulatory requirements.


Small-scale Technology Certificates are applicable to solar photovoltaic, solar hot water, and other technologies in the residential and small commercial sectors. These certificates can offset up to 30% of a projects cost.


Large-scale Generator Certificates are generated over time by large scale commercial and utility solar, wind, biogas and other renewable generation technologies.


Australian Carbon Credit Units are generated by projects that reduce carbon emissions or store carbon in soils and vegetation.


State-based energy efficiency credits are generated by upgrading equipment such as LED lighting, HVAC units and other industrial processes.

Forward Hedging

For corporates or large project owners looking to secure certificates into the future, our team can lock in the most competitive rates in the market.

Trading Made Easy

Are you a project developer or installer? Join us for the fastest payments and best certificate rates in the industry

Fast Payments

Get paid for your project certificates within 24 hours

Best Rates

Our high trading volume allows us to offer the most competitive rates for your STC and LGC project

Our previous trading platform was too manual and too slow with payments. EarthXChange was a game changer with the speed of their payment and competitve rates.

Michel S.

Calculate your organisation's carbon baseline today

Developed with leading Australian universities, our proprietary carbon assessment platform calculates scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by source and mitigation opportunties.

Speak with a carbon expert today.