

Carbon clarity for your business

Equipoised is a consortium of industry leaders providing professional advice on risks, opportunities and challenges for organisations navigating the shift to a low-carbon future.

Who we work with

We work with landowners, corporations, agricultural operators and investors on everything from property feasibility assessments to carbon, energy and biodiversity project funding, delivery and registration, certificate management and ongoing reporting and compliance.


We work with landowners on everything from property assessments to integrating carbon farming into their operations, feasibility assessment for hosting utility wind, solar and battery projects as well as end to end renewable energy power station project development, installation and operations.


Our groups of experts can help any business develop their net-zero roadmap and cost and emission reduction plans with renewable energy. We monitor energy and carbon across all assets and offset carbon where there are cases of unavoidable emissions.

Agricultural Operations

Everything from carbon impact assessments and roadmap development to regenerative farming consultation, the Equipoised team offers cost and carbon reduction through onside renewables and carbon credit generation and management for certified carbon neutral operations.


We are a trusted and reliable partner to investors seeking to deploy capital with triple-bottom-line returns in a transparent market.


We work with businesses which are deploying carbon related programs for funding and project development.

Discover the possibilities of a low carbon future

Our Australian team of experts is ready to offer you the highest standard of consultation services, no matter where you are.

Expertise combined with purpose

In a world of greenwashing, we combine science, accountability, and a handshake together to ensure we deliver for people and the planet.

Years of experience

Our Australian-based team includes scientists, mapping experts, agricultural and carbon specialists, ecologist, project managers, renewable energy experts, and property specialists.

Equipoised's expertise ranges from financial services, land valuation and agricultural investment, biodiversity and environmental offsets, and renewable energy and project development

Balancing Carbon, Energy and Biodiversity

Calculate your organisation's carbon baseline today

Developed with leading Australian universities, our proprietary carbon assessment platform calculates scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by source and mitigation opportunties.

Speak with a carbon expert today.